Now that the new year is here I had the urge to purge starting with my walk-in closets. Yes, I have 2 walk-in closets full of clothes, shoes, wigs, and seasonal clothes. I started taking out clothes I don’t wear often but then I had a thought. Could I use these clothes for my actor’s […]
Hey everybody! Today I wanted to talk briefly about a hot topic for actors…..drum roll::::::> Should actors work as background/extra on a film? Yes or no? Many people have too many opinions and some people even say stay away from extra work! As for me, I say working as an extra is a must […]
Casting Scam. Hey everybody! I was just thinking about something that happened to me when I first made the decision to pursue acting as an actual career. At that point I put myself out there. I mean I REALLY put myself out there, I answered any casting call, any cattle call, any auditions that I […]