Headshot for Actors.
Actor headshots are an absolute must for every single actor. When you submit for a role, you will have to provide a professional headshot attached to your resume.
If you are new to acting and can't afford a professional headshot just yet, you have to read this blog.
Starter Headshot for New Actors
Often professional headshot photographers extend discounted sessions for actors. Specials range from $100 for short sessions which include 1 or 2 clothing changes and 1 or 2 retouched images and up.
If you can't afford the $100 don't beat yourself up. You already have a phone that has a great resolution which you can use to take a decent photo.
Use your iPhone or your Android.
You can get a tripod and phone holder for less than $20 dollars at Amazon, here is the link. This is a great investment since you will be using this tripod anyway when you film your own movies and series.
If you can't get a friend to take your photo, use the timer feature. If you don't have one, download an app on iTunes or Google Play. Simply place your phone on your new shiny tripod, set the timer and run back to your spot and smile pretty. Or pout. (You might want to do 1 smiling and 1 serious.)
Headshot for Actors - Tips
• Make sure to use a solid black or white background, no busy backgrounds. Use plenty of daylight and maybe an additional light.
• Wear nothing with crazy patterns, just a solid color top.
• Your makeup should be a clean daytime makeup nothing dramatic or crazy.
• Your hair should be away from your face, clean & styled the way you usually wear it.
• Don't wear sunglasses, jewelry or any props in your headshot.
• Frame from your shoulders up to your head.
You can go to Walgreens, FedEx Office or a local print shop to print you 8"x10" pictures until you take your professional headshots. Once you have your professional headshots taken, you will need to order prints from a professional printer, they are usually located in LA.
Keep in mind this advice is put together for brand new actors who are self-submitting to smaller projects like student films or for extra work.
When you are ready to submit for theater, film, agents or casting directors, please hire a professional headshot photographer for actors.
Here is a brief video on this topic or you can watch the extended cut on my YouTube Channel.
What do you think? Should new actors use self-taken starter headshots?
Did you take your own headshot? Show it to us we want to see your awesome work!