Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve written on my blog. I’m still here, just getting a little busy with little projects here and there. Since I am looking for my next acting class, I remembered I wrote in my ebook some tips on what to do once you find the right acting class. I […]
Acting Techniques. Learning about acting techniques was a bit overwhelming for me. Until I started going to acting classes and workshops I wasn’t really sure what some of these techniques were all about. I do know that adopting an acting technique is a little like trying on clothes at the store. You won’t know what […]
Finding the right teacher is tricky. Enrolling in a class taught by a well-known coach doesn’t always mean you’ll connect with them or that they will be a match for you. You need to find a teacher that will help guide you to your vulnerabilities and explore yourself more in depth. A good teacher will […]
All actors need training & continuous education Training for actors. Start your acting career today by taking acting classes and continue taking acting classes. You have to start training as an actor, just like any trade or artist out there. You don’t get to pretend to be someone else, you have to learn to be […]
This post contains affiliate links. A few actors have asked me what websites for actors I find most useful. So I put together a very handy list just for you. These websites offer many different tools for actors online. Click on the link and browse through their archives for all sorts of information from acting […]
Often new actors and actresses will work on student films for free in exchange for experience, a copy DVD of the movie for their reel and snacks. Working with film students is a great way to learn the ins and outs of working on movie sets. This also gives you the advantage of meeting […]
I’m very excited to announce that I am finally finished writing my book, “Acting in Texas: A Step by Step Guide to Getting an Agent & Texas Actor’s Directory”. While I was putting together the resource portion of my book, I realized just how lucky I am to live in this wonderful city where theater […]
Casting Scam. Hey everybody! I was just thinking about something that happened to me when I first made the decision to pursue acting as an actual career. At that point I put myself out there. I mean I REALLY put myself out there, I answered any casting call, any cattle call, any auditions that I […]
Free Acting Lesson. A couple of years ago I took a film acting class. This class was exactly what I needed to have more experience in front of the camera. I always wondered if I was offered a role, who would show me how to stand in front of the camera, how to walk, look […]
If you are wondering what type of acting classes you need to become an actor, this blog is for you. In this blog, I go over the different types of acting classes you can take to start your acting career. I also include a few tips to help you find the right class for […]